Monday, 21 February 2011

MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH by Lady Raven Avalon - the only book a new witch or wiccan will ever need

New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Path of the Wise

Co written by the members of Black Raven Coven

By Lady Raven Avalon & Black Raven Coven - release date 25th Feb 2011 - - any good outlets

The The mission of my books are to spread the truth and beauty about Witchcraft and Paganism. I want everyone to know our true history, our true practices and our true beliefs. I want to stop prejudice, bigotry and hatred towards and against all Witches and Wicca and any others that may share our similar beliefs. I want to spread the truth in order to bring the Craft back to its proper place in today's mainstream religions.

In this book, which deals with rituals for the beginner, you will find the information which will help you to get started to understand the fundamental principles of Magick for beginners. In time, you will understand enough of the basic principles of

Wicca or Witchcraft for you to begin to search for your path, the path that best suits your individual needs.

I wish to teach you through clear and easy steps how to follow rituals, The Wheel of the Year, code of ethics in Magick, spells and explain how to prepare, cast spells and outline the materials needed for each ritual.

Within this book you will learn about Magick, Witchcraft, various Wicca Traditions, candle Magick, spells, definitions and, above all, I have tried to make this book user friendly to the newcomer and a easy to understand training companion. It is my sincere wish that this book gives the student a deep understanding of spell crafting and a fundamental basis in Magick.

Things you will need
Prologue for Newcomers to the Craft
Introduction – New to This?
Before you Start
Lady Raven Avalon
Three Degrees in Witchcraft
The Witch's Pyramid of Four Pillars
Types Of Witch
Basic Guidelines for a Witch
The Threefold Law of Return
Types Of Wicca
The 13 Wicca Principles
The Wiccan Rede (short version)
The Wiccan Rede Explained
What is Magick and How Magick Works
Beginnings of Magick
Low and High Magick
Ceremonial Magick
Know Thyself and Your Intentions
Awakening the Witch and Lifting the Veil of Fear
Code of Ethics in Witchcraft
Mysteries of Magick
Making Your Magickal Wand
Types of Wand – x8 Types of Wand
Initiation or Self-Dedication Your Choice
Tools of Magick
Consecrating Your Magickal Tools
Empowering Your Magickal Tools
Dedication of Your Magickal Tools to The Gods
Your Sacred Space Altar Setup
Purifying and Cleansing Meditation and Ritual
How to Make and Use Anointing Oil
Casting a Magickal Circle
Opening a Magickal Circle
How To Invoke the Deities, Call the Elements (Call the Quarters)
Self Initiation Ritual (Solitary Witch): Blessing Oil & Smudging
Daily Devotionals
The Elements
Cross-Quarter and Quarter Days

The Wheel Of The Year:
The Sabbats, Esbats and Seasonal Festivals, Sabbat Calendar: Northern and Southern Hemisphere. How Pagans celebrate the Sabbats, rituals, recipes, decorations, spell work, calling and releasing the Quarters and lots more.
The Sabbats:
Samhain -Halloween
Yule - Winter Solstice
Imbolc – Candlemas:
Ostara – Spring Equinox
Beltane – May Day
Litha - Summer Solstice
Lammas – Lugnasagh
Mabon – Autumn Equinox

Familiars and Totems
Candle Magick
What is a Spell
Spells and Procedures

Appendix and Resources
Recommended Reading
Recommended Online Sites

High Priestess
Black Raven Coven

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